How to install

1. Click on DOWNLOAD button that is available under each mod description. It will redirect you to Sim File Share site from where you can download my mod.
2. Downloaded material is always in .zip format.
3. Unzip the file with 7-Zip, Winrar or similiar into your Mod folder. Mod folder has following path in Windows Vista/7/8/8.1:
Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\Mods\
1. Make sure you have enabled modification content in your game, to have mods working.
2. To enable modification, go to options tab in your game, select “Other”, and tick “Enable Custom Content and Mods” (1) and "Script Mods" (2). Click "Apply" to save changes. You will need to restart the game for it to take effect.
If you have only .package files, it's enough to check option Enable Custom Content and Mods.
If you have both types: .package and .ts4script files, you need to check both boxes: Script Mods and Enable Custom Content and Mods.
My mods usually contain both types: .package and .ts4script files.
1. Some of my uploads have different versions or optional add-ons. In those cases you will find additional installation instruction in the mod description.