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Family, Oh Family Aspirations

Updated: Jan 25

Another one I forgot to publish here in December.

Hello, hello!

I have for you 2 promised aspirations for children, last ones from my list, plus 2 other for teens and above, that I was working on long time ago and forgot about them. Since they all kind of revolve around family topic, hence the name ;)

  • Little Troublemaker

  • The Meanest Sibling

  • Big Sibling Goals

  • Family Time

1. Little Troublemaker - aspiration for children that focuses on making some troubles, mostly to parents ;)

Reward trait: Tiny Tornado - Sims with this trait learn mischief and comedy faster. They can also use the interaction Push Buttons and make other Sims angry, tense or embarassed.

2. The Meanest Sibling - also aspiration for children, as the name reveals, it's about making pranks to the siblings.

Reward trait: Master Menace - Sims with this trait become playful from time to time, when reacalling their own pranks. They can also perform Fake Apology interaction, which can remove other sim's anger and lift the grounding.

3. Big Sibling Goals - this aspiration is for teens and above, you can find it under Family aspirations category. It's all about being a great support and friend for younger sibling.

Reward trait: Sense and Responsibility - Sims with this trait can offer life tips to make someone inspired and maybe even teach them some life skills. They can also motivate with encouragement to make other Sims learn any skill twice faster.

4. Family Time - this is also for teens and above, and also to be found under Family aspiration category. It is a perfect aspiration for all Sims that want to connect with family members. I tried to make it universal, so it should work towards almost all family members, closest family, but not only, so also towards cousins, uncles, aunts, etc. I wanted something different than what we have already in game, something focusing more on spending time with the family all together. Of course the game put some limits on me, as always, but I am pretty satisfied with the result :)

Reward trait: Family Cheerleader - Sims with this trait can offer support to family members and remove their negative buffs. They can also rally family and boost everyone energy and fun.

I know it took me much longer than I planned, but I couldn't help it, it was a very busy period for me :( I struggled a lot to spend at least several minutes every day for modding , and it was very frustrating for me that I still didn't release what I promised. But finally here it is, and I must say, I am very happy from this result, especially from aspiration rewards this time :) But also from the general concept.


Requires only Base game, but few more objectives show when you have: Parenthood GP, Get Together EP, Seasons EP, Discover University EP, Island Living EP, Cottage Living EP.




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