Translation added
Spanish translation by Laura Martinez Barca- for Teen Aspirations by SimmerJohn, available here:
Dutch translation by Gemberveer - for True Philanthrophist Aspiration (integrated with the mod)
Broomstick Maker career - updated to be working for a vampire mage from Zero's Vampire Magic mod (
August WIP
Fear of Animals - I got a bit stuck with this because of holiday break but now I'm back on the track.
Awards Tweaks - this is a mod I really needed for my gameplay, or rather I needed a small part of it but then the concept grew and grew :) I plan to release it by the end of August. Few sneak pics of what it will add :) I am now working on adding possibility to get nominated through various in game activities, eg when sending photo to publisher, Sim has a chance to be nominated for Best Photo. This is the last part I want to add before final testing and release.