Hello everyone!
First of all thank you to all my supporters, the new ones and the ones that continue this journey with me for already longer time! It's extremely motivating :) I want to express my deepest gratitude to each of you!
And now few updates :)
COMING PATCH - Information
Tomorrow there will a pre-kits patch, I don't expect mods-breaking update this time. However I won't be able to confirm this before Wednesday evening (tomorrow and Wednesday morning will be very busy for me).
Awards Tweaks - I removed the possibility of sending autonomous nomination via computer by Sims. Now your Sim will not autonomously sit in front of the computer and nominate whoever they want to nominate. *Still, it doesn't change the option that a Sim can get nominated to an award while doing some tasks.
German - by emira for Vampire Slayer Mod (for now 2 parts covered: Protection Ring - http://www.simfileshare.net/download/4595702/ and Original Trait http://www.simfileshare.net/download/4595703/; the 3rd part is in progress)
Currently I want to come back to blender and animation learning, I saved several tutorials for this and I really hope something good will come up from it :] As for new mods in progress, I'll let you know in the next update, cause I need to first decide what's next :)
Have a wonderful week!