Hello everyone,
!!! Aaannd, I just read an update according to which this patch is adding something to files to check which packs you use. And if you don't have a certain pack, some of my mods might give you errors or not working properly. I am sorry, I didn't discover it earlier because I have all the packs now so I won't have these issues. This all means, I will have to recheck all my mods again and for now if you don't own all pack, please consider all my mods broken :(
Within last weeks I received some messages that I didn't have time to review, I'll try to get to them this week and reply to all. So if you reported a bug not related to this patch, I'll take care of it.
Second of all, I want to thank a lot to all my supporters. Your generosity and encouragements always give me strenght to continue modding and to stay motivated. The truth is, without you using my mods it wouldn't be that much fun to make them. I love to see how you use them for your gameplay, how they help you in the stories you create, I love to get feedbacks like this. So one more time thank you very very much for your support.
And I want to say sorry for my recent silence, I again went into the "silent mode", I do it when stress hits me deeply and 2024 started quite bad for me so when things escalated (in my family and at work) I isolated myself from contacts. I know I shouldn't, but this is how I react in very, very stressful moments in my life. Things got stable again and I "unclocked myself" eventually.
Other Updates
From other updates, I am in the last phase of Realistic swimming update. The work on the career part took me much longer than I expected, but now all 6 branches within this Swimmer career are ready, with custom assigments at home, with some new interactions and benefits. Now, I am working on the swimming ring and interactions related to its functionality. When this is ready, I will publish this mod, firstly for the Patreons, as a pre-release phase. And then shortly after to all.
On the screens below you can see:
- some home assignments (for the presentation purposes I made 5 per day, but it will be 2 par day in the game).
- also some of the new interactions (I added for example interactions to buoys to shoot a documentary - as a result there will be a video recorded if you have Get Famous - so some cross packs functionality too, but of course base game gameplay as well). *The interactions are greyed out on the picture cause this Sim doesn't have enough swimming skill ;)
- for Olympic swimmer and Member or Synchronised Swimming there are interactions to take part in the competitions, they have several scenarios (I can see I have to ajust the text on them, but they work well, so there can be a success result or failure one). Winning the competition will be essential to be promoted at some stages.
I know it takes ages to finish this mod, but I am so excited about releasing it! I hope it happens soon!
Thank you one more time for all your support and for reading this long post!
