Small thing to still upload today, I was asked to update Itsmysimmod aspirations. I didn't see that anyone else did it already AND creator allowed other modders to update their mods, so I decided to take up this task. I didn't change anything in the mod itself, just updated outdated parts. I also used here graphics from Itsmysimmod, so it's recognizable. If original creator ever comes back to modding, I will remove their mods from my site.
I updated for now 2 aspirations:
I hope all will work as it should, I did not understand how some interactions should work, so let me know if you notice bugs.
I plan also to update The Mother Plant Resurrection Aspiration, but I can't figure out for now some of the things in this mod :)
I took out this opportunity and translated both mods to Polish. Now there are following language versions available:
The Art of Flower Arranging Aspiration
English (by Itsmysimmod)
Polish (by me)
French (by MaiaGame)
Portuguese (francislorenzi)
Spanish (by Itsmysimmod)
Dutch (by GothiqeSimmer)
Chinese - (by Jonas)
German - by LuciaSims - can be downloaded from:
UFO Investigator Aspiration
English (by Itsmysimmod)
Spanish (by Itsmysimmod)
Polish (by me)
Portuguese (by ManyWhiTe)
French (by lilotea)
German (by Riveda and ScorpioSims)
Chinese (by fishvip)
Russian (by TranquilBobolink)
Dutch (by GothiqeSimmer)
Italian (by Federica Madarena)
German - by LuciaSims - can be downloaded from:
Change log:
4/11/2024 - added compatibility with the new EP Life & Death.
24/10/2024 - updated for the Patch from 22nd of October (1.110.265.) Pre-Life & Death EP
26/07/2024 - updated for the Patch from 23rd of July (1.108.289.) Pre-Lovestruck and compatible with Hotfix.
03/03/2024 - updated for the Patch from 27th of February (1.105.297) and compatible with Hotfix from 28th of February.
For the mod "UFO Investigator" to work you need also XML injector (the current version).