Veterinarian career in Sims 4 might get a little boring after a while. I hope this aspiration will help you to enjoy this career longer.
Requires The Sims 4 Base Game and Cats & Dogs Expansion Pack!

Reward Trait:
The Supervet trait unlocks new interaction "Let Go of Fears" - to banish all pet's fears forever.
1. Clinic owner Buy Vet Clinic Buy Clinic Equipment Greet Your First Patient 2. Veterinarian apprentice Achieve Level 4 Veterinarian Skill Buy a Vet Perk Treat Patients 10 Times
3. Research Veterinarian Craft Medicines Practice Lab Work for 2H Treat Patients 25 Times 4. Doctor Dolittle Achieve Level 10 Veterinarian Skill Perform a Surgery Treat Patients 50 Times
English and Polish
Russian (Annie Hugss)
Chinese (Tina)
Italian (SimsPhoria)
Portuguese (by qlaqercoixsa)
Dutch (by Kimberley)
Spanish (by Nerea Lasa)
German by Helene912, to download from: Ilkavelles Mods auf Deutsch
This mod doesn't override existing files so should not conflict with other Sims 4 mods.
This mod is free, but if you want to support my work, you can become my Patreon.
Change logs:
4/11/2024 - added compatibility with the new EP Life & Death.
26/07/2024 - updated for the Patch from 23rd of July (1.108.289.) Pre-Lovestruck and compatible with Hotfix.
03/03/2024 - updated for the Patch from 27th of February (1.105.297) and compatible with Hotfix from 28th of February.
16/12/2023 - updated with small tweaks after Patch Dec 5th.
7/02/2023 - updated for January 31st patch
5/08/2022 - updated for July 26th patch
18/05/2020 - Russian added
08/05/2020 - Russian added
