If your teenage Sim has trait Genius - with this mod they can now apply and successively enroll to university even immediately after joining high school.
Now, I now there is a cheat that enables joining university for teens... but I wanted to make it available with "official process" :D So applying, waiting in a stress and finally getting a letter :D No shortcuts here! ;)
There are 2 versions available after extracting:
1) GeniusTeenCanEnrollToUniversity - this one allows it only for teens that have Genius Trait
2) Genius-OR-A-GradeTeenCanEnrollToUniversity - this one allows to apply/enroll to university to teens that either
a) have Genius Trait
b) OR/AND finished primary school with A Grade
c) OR/AND reached A Grade in High School.
Each all these options will give possibility to apply to university.
Leave only 1 file!
Requires The Sims 4 Base Game and Discover University EP!
Conflicts: This mod overrides following file:
This mod is free, but if you want to support my work, you can become my Patreon.
*If your teenage Sim start university, it is actually good to make him drop the school. There is a mod for this created by Triplis, available here:
Change log:
28/07/2022 - updated for July 26th patch, should work fine with High School pack, but I will test it again with the pack next week.
20/01/2020 - Updated for January patch: PC:
24/11/2019 - Added option to be able to apply once reached A Grade in High School.

Hi Jade, I don't think it's caused by my mod, cause it is modifying literally 1 thing in 1 file and it has nothing to do with homeworks... I also observed the dissapearing homework somewhere in the house, also for adults, it IS really annoying. I may try to see if there is a way to fix that, but can't promise anything because I do not know what causes Sims to put homework to the inventory or somewhere else.
Each time my teen does homework the homework disappears. So I have to keep buying books each day it's getting super annoying. Are you able to fix this please? I REALLY love this ability and my teen going to uni is the best thing ever :D. EDIT: So I rotated my camera, my teen has been hiding all her homework behind her bed LOL. I don't know why she dumps it though, if you could look into that I'd be very appreciative :D.
Your welcome... thank you for taking the time to respond to me and for explaining to me how the mod works
Thank you :)
So first explanation - yes, you understand it correctly. The second option enables enrolling for Teens that finished primary school (school for children) with A Grade. If your Sims are teens and they will achieve A grade in High school - then they will have to wait for applying and enrolling. So they have to achieve it still as children.
If you want to enroll any teen Sim at any time - you can use also cheats. First enable cheating with code: click Control + Shift + C, write in a box that opens: testingcheats on
Now hold Shift and click on Sim, there will be option to enroll Sim to University.
I like the idea of this mod...Is there a way to get a teen to be able to go to University? like without needing the sims too have a genius trait? Last question to make sure im understanding right the second option genius or A grade in high school if my teen will be able too go to university with just having an A in high school? but i love this mod always wanted teens too go to college oh and thank you for taking the time to read this