I added 6 more aspirations to Hobby category. I decided to upload it as a separate mod, so you don't need to have previous one for that one to work. This time I took a bit different approach to aspirations in general, so you'll see only 1 phase insted of 3 or 4.
New aspirations:
Art Lover - focuses on watching art and visiting museums, a few interactions were added to allow any Sim discussing some art topics (Friendly cat. > Interests > Art Lover)
Music Lover - focuses on listening to the music, the one from radio, but also live performances (listening to someone playing instrument or DJ mixing music). A few interactions were added to allow any Sim discussing some music topics (Friendly cat. > Interests > Music Lover)
Crafter's Journey - focuses on crafting anything that you can craft within the game (or almost anything: Sim can knit, paint, craft candles, make flower arrangements, use fabricator, robotics table, woodworking table, nectar maker, juice fizzing station or pumpkin carving station). I wanted this to be very generic aspiration for any crafting skill out there, so you can focus on only one skill, or you can mix. Only task about crafting items with Outstanding Quality might not work with all because the game is not giving quality states to all crafted objects. Here also a few interactions were added to discuss crafting topics.
Lane Legend - focuses only on bowling, but attention - this one will be difficult to complete! I actually never managed to score Perfect Llama, so good luck ;)
Social Game Enthusiast - it focuses on all type of games (apart from video games). Following games will be accepted: chess, cards, simbles, don't wake llama, foosball, darts, horse shoes, arcade machine, ping pong, juice pong, sabacc, bowling. For this aspiration my Game Night event will be useful (although it will not be essential if you have City Living EP).
Fun Bucket List - this aspiration is the only one that has more than 1 stage - it has 5 stages! But due to UI limits, only 1 will appear in the aspirations window, so don't be surprised that you have the 5th stage after completing 4 ;) And as name says - it is a list of fun things that your Sim wants to do during their life. It was not easy to choose 20 things out of all Sims activities, I did a lot of lists and a lot of striking out :D I hope you'll enjoy it :)
Each aspiration has its own unique reward trait. You can check the details on the below images.

Packs compatibility:
Base Game : Art Lover, Music Lover, Crafter's Journey and Social Game Enthusiast
Requires Bowling Night SP: Lane Legend
Requires many packs: Fun Bucket List
English (by me, default)
Polish (by me)
French translation incoming
Italian - by Isy's Translations, to download from here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/hobby-bundle-91651978
French (Kimiko Soma)
Russian (by Origamika Group)
German (by Blubbie, to download from here: http://www.simfileshare.net/download/4662247/
Chinese - (by Jonas)
Spanish (by Roshy Sims to download from: https://www.patreon.com/posts/hobby-bundle-2-109950260
Dutch by Gemberveer (integrated into file)
Mod is not overriding any file so should not cause any conflicts.
For the mod to work you need also XML injector.
CurseForge - if you want to support me, I encourage you to download from this site :)
Change log:
4/11/2024 - added compatibility with the new EP Life & Death. Also other compatibilities added: Gemology skill and crafted jewelry added to objectives for Crafter aspiration. More Woohoo spots added to objective in Fun Bucket list. Games from latest packs added to objectives from Social Games Enthusiast aspiration. Added Dutch translation by Gemberveer (integrated into file)
26/07/2024 - updated for the Patch from 23rd of July (1.108.289.) Pre-Lovestruck and compatible with Hotfix.
03/03/2024 - updated for the Patch from 27th of February (1.105.297) and compatible with Hotfix from 28th of February.
16/12/2023 - updated with small tweaks after Patch Dec 5th.
