Happy Halloween!
I bring to you an event during which you can conjure ghosts :D
Ok, it's not perfect but I did my best to make it at least a little bit fun :D
Start an event, click on any table and first ask others to gather around. Then conjure a ghost. Wait some time for ghost to appear. Then talk with a ghost to complete tasks :)
You MUST have some ghosts in the game for this to work (active or NPCs). If you don't have any, download from gallery. You can invite up to 8 ghosts.
Reward for completing gold level is a Death Flower. And as always there are some buffs that will come as well for participants.
You can also conjure a ghost without starting an event - buy a Seance Table and interactions are available on it always.
Have fun! :D
Mod will work with Base Game. It's not overriding any files.
English (by me, default)
Polish (by me)
French (by Maiagame)
Spanish (by CindySims)
German (by helene912)
Italian (by ZaffiroGarnet)
Portuguese (qlaqercoixsa)
Russian (Annie Hugss)
Dutch (by GothiqeSimmer)
Chinese (by Jonas (林))
Ukrainians - by Burbelka&4kotyky team, to download from here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/pereklad-seance-121476983
Change log:
4/11/2024 - added compatibility with the new EP Life & Death.
05/06/2024 - Chinese translation added
03/03/2024 - updated for the Patch from 27th of February (1.105.297) and compatible with Hotfix from 28th of February
24/07/2023 - update for patch 1.99.264 (18th of July, Horse Ranch)
22/05/2023 - tuning improvements
18/03/2023 - update for March 14th patch (Infants & Growing Together)
05/11/2022 - small tweak/fix
03/11/2021 - update for November 2nd patch
22/07/2021 - updated for July 20th Patch
10/03/2021 - changed 1 reward buff to Scared (was Tense before)
14/11/2020 - updated for November patch