4 new aspirations are available for your Teens and all 4 are base game compatible. There are also add-ons for other packs (additional objectives appear with add-ons).
Please read tips below for some objectives.

There are 2 versions of Main file for this mod:
ilkavelle_TeenAspirationsBundle_MAIN_[HSY] - leave this one if you have High School Years EP (with this version the aspirations will go into Teens aspirations category from the HSY pack).
ilkavelle_TeenAspirationsBundle_MAIN_[BG] - leave this one if you don't have High School Years EP, this version is base game compatible. All aspirations will appear under custom aspiration category.
Actually, the only difference between 2 files is the category under which you'll find the aspirations. Rest of the content stays the same.
1. Have Your Own Clique
Have 3 Teens Friends
Achieve Level 3 Charisma Skill
Be Leader of the Club - available with Add-on for Get Together
Buy Club Perk - available with Add-on for Get Together
2. Move Up The Social Ladder
Go on a Date
Update Social Media Status - works with base game and with interactions from City Living
Earn Gold on 2 Thrown Parties
3. Get Prom Crown
Have 1000 Followers
Have Popular Boyfriend or Girlfriend - Popular meaning who has trait from completing Popularity aspirations (Gregarious, Hilarious, Natural leader, Legendary or Perfect host), or who has any Fame rank from Get Famous. Remember you can always cheat with codes, or other mods to give those traits to other Sims for story telling ;)
Get Crown - available in HSY version.
Earn Gold on School Prom - you can complete it with House Party or with Prom from High School Years expansion pack
Reward Trait: Prom Royalty - gives boost in social skills
1. Bookworm
Practice Music for 3 Hours
Attend Faculty Study Session - available with HSY version
Finish Reading 3 Books
Finish Homework 3 Times while Focused
Complete School Project at least with Good Quality - available with Add-on for Parenthood
2. Genius or No-Life
Achieve Level 2 in 10 Skills
Achieve a Grade of "A" at School
Get Extra Credit from Homework
Practice Debate for 5 Hours - available with Add-on for University
3. Simply The Best
Achieve Level 5 in 5 Skills
Practice Writing for 3 Hours
Take Part in Volunteering Event - available with Add-on for Parenthood
Get Accepted for Distinguished Degree at University - available with Add-on for University
Reward Trait: Overachiever - gives bonus to work performance and skills learning.

1. First step is the hardest
Achieve Level 5 Cooking Skill
Clean up
Start Odd Job - available with Add-on for Island Living
2. Spreading the wings
Start Part-Time Job
Earn Your First 1000 Simoleons
Repair or Upgrade an Object
3. Freedom, I'm coming!
Reach the Top of Part-time Job
Qualify For Responsible Trait - available with Add-on for Parenthood; if this task doesn't complete after qualifying for responsible trait - save game and go to world view. After launching back game, this objective should be completed/update status.
Move Out And Start To Live On Your Own - use phone or computer interaction
Reward Trait: Independent Teen - bonus to learn Homestyle cooking and Handiness, and daily grant - 3% of household funds while being Teen and Young Adult.
1. You Can't Make Me
Demand Independence
Argue With Parents - Argue or Yell at parents
Don't Go To School 3 Times - Leave school day and remember to answer the phone when Principal calls you! If you don't pick up the phone, the task won't complete.
2. Experimenting Stage
Get Lower Grades
Experiment with alcohol and stimulants during Event- start any social event and perform drinking interaction or you can also use drug or smoking interactions from mods by Basemental and by Necrodog.
Whine About Unfair Life To 5 Different Sims - available with Add-on for Parenthood
Swear 10 Times - available with Add-on for Parenthood
3. Rebel With A Cause
Sabotage Objects
Express Yourself in Graffiti or Emotional Painting - if you have City Living, you can paint wall or floor graffiti, if you don't have this pack, you can paint any emotional painting, e.g. while being angry.
Be disliked by 1 Sim
Reward Trait: Rebel With a Cause - unlocks interactions for swiping objects, hacking performance via computer and (applicable for City Living) protesting against the world.
This mod doesn't override existing files so should not conflict with other Sims 4 mods.
Russian (Annie Hugss)
Chinese (Tina)
German (lunasaphira)
Portuguese (qlaqercoixsa)
Dutch (Kimberley)
Spanish (by Nerea Lasa)
by Kimiko Soma
by MaiaGame
This mod is free, but if you want to support my work, you can become my Patreon.
Change log:
4/11/2024 - added compatibility with the new EP Life & Death. Also add-on files were merged with the main file (because the game will now recognize which objectives will work for which pack).
26/07/2024 - updated for the Patch from 23rd of July (1.108.289.) Pre-Lovestruck and compatible with Hotfix.
Objective for Clean up was updated (within Towards Independence aspiration)
Text for Overachiever aspiration reward was fixed and now appear
11/05/2024 - I put back 2 versions of this mod, 1 for High School Years EP and second if you don't have this HSY pack. The only difference between 2 files is the category under which you'll find the aspirations. Rest of the content stays the same.
03/03/2024 - updated for the Patch from 27th of February (1.105.297) and compatible with Hotfix from 28th of February.
16/12/2023 - updated with small tweaks after Patch Dec 5th.
24/07/2023 - update for patch 1.99.264 (18th of July, Horse Ranch)
7/02/2023 - updated for January 31st patch
28/08/2022 - updated for HSY
12/08/2022 - updated for July 26th patch
07/06/2022 - updated English strings for pronouns update
17/04/2022 - fix for objective to Volunteer (Overachiever aspiration)
09/10/2020 - you can now complete objective Earn Gold on School Prom with Prom event from Memorable events mod by KawaiiStacie
06/09/2020 - added object Aspiration cube with unlocking aspirations.
08/05/2020 - Chinese added
15.03.2020 - version 1.1.: Rebellion aspiration
- task "Argue with Parents will now also complete with interaction "Yell"
- Experiment with alcohol and stimulants during Event - I improved compatibility with Basemental mod, now smoking and taking pills should also complete the task.
- Russian translation added
