Do your Sims like singing? Do they go to Karaoke bars and explore their singing talent? If yes, then this Sims 4 aspiration mod is for you!
Requires The Sims 4 Base Game and City Living Expansion!

This custom singing aspiration is created for any Singer Star that is born ;)
If you have any idea how this can be improved – let me know, always happy to get your thoughts and remarks :)
1) Bathroom Singer
*Sing in Shower 3 times
*Sing for 1 Hour while Inspired
*Watch karaoke in Karaoke Bar 10 times
2) Karaoke Fan
*Sing Karaoke 10 times
*Rave about Favorite Singers to 10 diffrent Sims
*Buy a microphone
3) Accomplished Performer
*Achieve Level 8 Singing Skill
*Write Lyrics 2 times
*Win Karaoke Contest
4) Voice Virtuoso
*Master the Singing Skill
*Have Spent 75 Hours Singing
*Earn 2000 from Licensed Lyrics
Reward Trait : Perfect Pitch - Those with absolute pitch can now teach other Sims singing and give them energy boost. Those Sims will also learn playing any instrument way faster.
Unlocks 2 new custom interactions:
Teach to Sing - Your Sim can now teach other to sing during individual sessions. Each session you will earn randomly from 100 – 200 Simoleons and it is paid when lesson starts. Session lasts for about 1h. The interaction is available once per 2 hours. (So you have short break within lessons to catch a breath :D)
To be found under Friendly category.
Energizing Song – This interaction will give you and any Sim that is nearby an Energized moodlet and boost of Energy motive. Because of this great benefit, it is available only once per 24h.
To be found under Friendly category.
English and Polish
Chinese added thanks to Crystal Chen
French added thanks to Kimiko Soma
Spanish added thanks to Nerea Lasa
Russian added by Annie Hugss
Italian (by SimsPhoria)
Portuguese (by qlaqercoixsa)
Dutch (by GothiqeSimmer)
German (by Blubbie, to download from here:
This mod doesn't override existing files so should not conflict with other Sims 4 mods.
This mod is free, but if you want to support my work, you can become my Patreon.
Change logs:
4/11/2024 - added compatibility with the new EP Life & Death.
26/07/2024 - updated for the Patch from 23rd of July (1.108.289.) Pre-Lovestruck and compatible with Hotfix.
03/03/2024 - updated for the Patch from 27th of February (1.105.297) and compatible with Hotfix from 28th of February.
16/12/2023 - updated with small tweaks after Patch Dec 5th.
24/07/2023 - update for patch 1.99.264 (18th of July, Horse Ranch)
29/05/2023 - tuning update
18/03/2023 - update for March 14th patch (Infants & Growing Together)
7/02/2023 - updated for January 31st patch
5/08/2022 - updated for July 26th patch
07/06/2022 - updated English strings for pronouns update
02/10/2021 - Now as a reward your Sim can additionally license lyrics without waiting time, as suggested by KC.
21/07/2021 - Update for patch 20th of July
05/05/2020 - Removal of script file. I modified the code in .package so that script is no longer required.
30/01/2020 - Russian translation added by Annie Hugss
21/10/2019 - Spanish translation added
28/08/2019 - French translation added thanks to Kimiko Soma :)
