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University Rejection Letter

Writer's picture: ilkaSimmingilkaSimming

Updated: Mar 4, 2024

Now with this mod for sims 4 it's possible to get rejected from university!

I must admit this mod was not the easiest one and I made a lot of tests until I found solution that satisfied me :D

But most importantly - I hope it will satisfy you!

And remember - if you get rejection letter - you can always try to apply again after some time :) But make sure you have 3 skills below at decent level to get accepted, don't forget it has also an impact ;)

How it works?

Will you get acceptance or rejection letter? - the result is based on several factors:

1) grades at school - if you were bad student with low grades during your school life - it's more possible you will get rejected from university, at least with the first try (or always). So F and D make increase chances to get rejected. And A and B increase the chances to be accepted.

2) traits - there are certain traits that increase the chance of getting acceptance or rejection letter:

You have more chance to get to university with traits:

  • Genius

  • Bookworm

  • Perfectionist

  • Ambitious

  • Creative

  • Overachiever

  • Connections

You have more chance to get rejection letter with traits:

  • Goofball

  • Clumsy

  • Lazy

  • Childish

  • Hot-Headed

3) Skills - I took into consideration 3 skills that I consider as basic ones in real life : Charisma, Logic, Writing

  • If you have level 0-1 of those skills - you have bigger chance to get rejection letter.

  • If you have level 2-4 - you have more chances to get accepted.

  • If you have level 5-10 of at least one of those skills - you should always get acceptation letter (added in v3).

4) High School Years traits or adeepindigo Education Overhaul mod traits:

You have more chances to get to university with traits such as Valedictorian, or High Honors, or if you finish better schools from adeepindigo mod (e.g. Elite School)

Attending Uni Prep Course and passing an Aptitude Test from adeepindigo mod will also boost chances.

You'll 100% get rejection letter if you got Expelled or you Dropped out from school. In this case to have a chance to get to uni, you need to graduate any school (online/virtual school from HSY or adeepindigo mod). After graduating school you will have again chance to get to university, but unless you work on your skills (see point 3), you'll probably get rejection letter anyway.

*You can get Expelled or Dropout traits only if you have HSY EP or Education Overhaul.

It can happen that if you don't have any boosters mentioned above - you will get rejected at first. Don't worry, if you want to be accepted, just try apply again after some time. But see first if there is anything you can improve - like for example skills.

When I tested it, I had for example Sim that finished High Shool with F. He got rejection letter. When I incresed his skills to level 4 (Charisma, Logic, Writing) - he got accepted then. So now even being the worst school student should not exclude you from university forever - if only you work on skills.

I think now it's more balanced. But if you still find it too easy or too rigorous, let me know.

Requires The Sims 4 Base Game and Discover University EP!




French thanks to Maiagame

Chinese thanks to egureh

Portuguese added thanks to Amanda Sanches

Russian added thanks to Julia

German dded thanks to helene912

Dutch (by GothiqeSimmer)

Spanish (by Nerea Lasa)


This mod overrides following file:




!!! For the mod to work you need also XML injector (the current version). !!!

This mod is free, but if you want to support my work, you can become my Patreon.


Check here if this mod is compatible with newest patch.

Change log:

03/03/2024 - updated for the Patch from 27th of February (1.105.297) and compatible with Hotfix from 28th of February

17/11/2022 - script removal + overhaul (changed sligtly counting system and adjusted it for High School traits e.g. Valedictorian and adeepindingo traits from Education Overhaul)

28/07/2022 - updated for July 26th patch

19/06/2022 - updated for June14th patch

07/06/2022 - updated English strings for pronous update

22/07/2021 - updated for July 20th Patch

13/11/2020 - updated for November patch

19/05/2020 - v3 (more predictability added - I changed points for skills and in general I changed slightly the architecture of code, so it is more stable now and more predictable what the result will be) + Russian translation added

20/01/2020 - Updated for January patch: PC:

24/11 V.2 release - small rework:

- You will also get now letter to your mailbox when rejected from university

- I changed multipliers and some requirements - so it's not that difficult now, details in description updated.

Mod review by Miss Mani

Mod review by Nicole


Commenting has been turned off.
May 11, 2020

Hello, I made russian translation to your mod. Your mod is awesome by the way :)

But I'm not sure how to send to you this translation? If I push "export" in STBL edditor, it makes .xml file with STBLKeyStringList. Do you need this xml or the whole mod?


Jan 04, 2020

In the game waiting to reapply lasts about 7 days, or a bit more (I don't remember). I know... it's very long... This is why I created also the mod to shorten this waiting time:

With this mod you are able to reapply immediately (1st version) or after around 2 - max. 3 days (2nd version). I recommend now to you to try first 1st version - reapply immediately, to avoid further waiting ;) Also when reapplying after rejection make sure that Charisma, Logic and Writing are at 4th level - this should be enough to be accepted (unless you have some really bad mix of traits like clumsy, lazy, and bad notes at school to add....)


Jan 04, 2020

Hello! How long after being rejected can you apply again? It’s been a lot of sim days already and the option Apply to University hasn’t come back yet.


Nov 22, 2019

Thank you <3 I'll add your both translations today after work :)


Amanda Sanches
Amanda Sanches
Nov 22, 2019

Hello, I translated your mod to Portuguese, I'm sending his strings to be coupled to the mod!


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