Sorry for the late update here on patch, but I had some technical issues with Wix.
First late information about 28th of April Patch - all my mods are still compatible with this patch (it was really a small patch, didn’t change much…). Some people reported to me single issues after the patch (with Children aspirations, Sim Traits Pack for Cats & Dogs and Rebellion Aspiration for teens), but I checked it and if there is some issue – it’s not connected to the patch (it’s working well in my new save, not causing any errors).
Updates (not patch related):
Vampire Slayer Mod – as there were issues with creating stakes on woodworking table – I created this option from the scratch (maybe this would help, I can’t guarantee, but sometimes it’s helpful).
Hobby Aspirations – some of you asked me if custom interactions, that come with this mod, can be locked only for this aspiration. I managed to do it, I created 2nd version of this mod, where all interactions get unlocked once your Sim complete 1st phase of the aspiration. I left also previous version, if anyone wants to have all interactions unlocked for all Sims. Choose one option.
Sim Traits Pack for Cats & Dogs – There is new version of this mod, already public, I replaced old version, remember to fully remove old version before installing new one. What was added – details in the article.
Translations added:
Borrow Books from Library (by qlaqercoixsa)
Artist Photographer Aspiration (by Anna Carolynne)
Dutch (by Kimberley)
Spanish (by Enzo)
And here a small sample of my attempts with custom animations :) it's still beginning, but at least I finally started to learn it :D Wish me luck ;)