"Monday" Portion of News
...Just that it's Tuesday ^^ Sorry, I was finishing yesterday other stuff and didn't manage to post update :) Realistic Swimming update I...
Patch 27th of Feb - All updates
4/03/2024 I had to update one more time Call to Drink mod, cause it was causing errors in the base game. Now it will work fine in the...
Monday Portion of News
Hello everyone! Few updates from me. FIXES Magic School - homework fix - students of Magic school will be able to do a homework. I don't...
Patch 16th of January (1.104.58)
All my mods are compatible with this patch. I'll however do my best to address within a day or two all the issues or questions you...
Patch 5th of December (1.103.250) & hotfix 14th December (1.103.315)
16.12.2023 I am sorry it took so long. December so far was very busy for me (at work and privately too). Â I uploaded to my Patreon post...
Monday Portion of News
Translation added French - thanks to Kimiko Soma there is now French text integrated for 2 of my mods: Hobby Aspirations Bundle 2 Game...
Patch 31st of October (1.102.190) + other updates
It seems like all my mods are compatible with this patch :) Translations: 2 Italian translations were added by Isy's Translations, below...
Monday Portion of News
Hello world ;) An update on few things :) Updates Careers for Spellcasters - I updated all my careers for spellcasters (apart from Magic...
Patch 1.101.290 (26th September, The Chef Hustle SP)
Sul Sul, Just one mod required updating after this patch: Archaeologist & Palaeontologist Freelancer Career. All the rest of my mods are...
Patch 5th of September (
All my mods are compatible with the latest patch ;)
Join Afterschool Activities - interaction Add-on
It turns out that at some point interaction to Join Afterschool Activities became unavailable for children if you don't own certain...
Patch 18th of July (1.99.264)
Below you'll find the list of all updated mods. To make it easier for you to download them, and for me to quickly upload them, I uploaded...